In The United Methodist Church, we practice infant baptism. In so doing, the parents of the baptized promise to raise their child in the faith so that one day their child will choose the faith for him or herself. Confirmation is that choice.
Teenagers between the ages of 13-18 who are interested in learning more about the Christian faith and dive deeper into what it means to be a Christian can join in confirmation classes. The classes are a mixture of instruction, outings, mission trips, worship, and exploration. During confirmation, confirmands (as they're called) learn about the church, its history, and what it teaches as well as explore what other faiths teach. In this way, our confirmands can truly choose for themselves if they want to follow Christ.
Taught by Rev. Joel, confirmation is a two-year process which culminates in Confirmation Sunday - when these awesome teens declare to all that they choose to follow Christ and formally join the congregation as members.
For more information, contact Rev. Joel.