Our Worship Style
Worshiping Jesus Christ with Passion

At our churches, you can expect a service that embraces the many ways people worship. You'll hear some of the songs you've heard on the radio, but you'll also hear that familiar hymn. We believe in a worship service that helps people of every kind to connect with God, so we have both traditional and newer music. Our service is blended, a combination of the old and the new, because we realize that it is in that mixture that we experience the benefits of both.

Our services typically last about an hour. We start with music and singing, pray together, give back to God, listen to Scripture, hear a 15-20 minute sermon, and end with singing. Through it all, we have fun being together as we grow deeper in our relationship with God.

What to Wear
In Short: Whatever!

Just like our worship service style, we have a blending of all kinds of people in our church. This means that if you're comfortable coming in a t-shirt and shorts, then come on in! If you want to wear a dress or a suit, you'll fit right in. The truth is that God wants you to come and worship, no matter who you are or what you are wearing, and we think that nothing should stand in the way of praising God. So wear what you want to!

Where to Sit
In Short: Anywhere

It may seem silly, but it's important to know that it's okay to sit anywhere you want. There's no such thing as assigned seating at our churches, just friendly people coming together and worshiping. If you're worried that you won't find a good place to sit, our ushers are more than happy to help you find a seat.

Where to Park
In Short: We've got you covered.

It can be stressful getting to church on time. One thing that you shouldn't worry about is where to park! At either location, our churches have parking lots waiting for you next to the location's building.

All of our buildings are handiucap accessible. So if you're looking for a handicap space, pull close to the building enterance.

For the Kids
We Haven't Forgotten About Them!

Throughout worship, we invite kids to stay and be a part of the fun. We sing, and pray, and are generous to God - all things which are important for kids to learn from an early age. Then we have a special Children's Time with Rev. Joel when the kids and he talk about the theme for the day. After that, there's more singing to be had!

At Iron Creek: The kids are welcome to be a part of Sunday School after worship.

At Trinity: Sunday School takes place before worship at 9:30 AM.

Our Nursery is always available.

Learn More About our Children's Ministry